Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz

Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz
Stanley and Katherine (Kras) Rajkowicz and family (circa 1905)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Part 1: Geffert Family of Wilkes-Barre Township PA

At some point in the future, I'm sure some descendant of John and Mary (Geffert) Raykovitz  - generations removed from today - will want to know who their ancestors were and where they lived and/or are buried. Hopefully, this blog will still be online and will be a useful resource.

My maternal great grandmother - Helena ( Maslyck (pronounced Moss-wick )) Geffert - mother of Mary Barbara (Geffert) Raykovitz,  lived in Georgetown ( Wilkes-Barre Township ) as is buried in the old St. Mary's of the Maternity Church cemetery...only a few hundred feet from the family homestead on Center Street.  She died in October 1916 at the age of 53. Her brother-in-law, Andrew and his wife, Katherine, are also buried in the same cemetery. Per a prior post, her husband - Frank Geffert - is buried in the newer St. Mary's of the Maternity Cemetery in West Wyoming, as he died 21 years after Helena in 1937. 

Above: Geffert family pic circa ~1902
L to R - Helena, Frank ( holding Josephine ) and Andrew Geffert
Back Row: L to R - Sally H., John and Mary B. Geffert

Lat: 41.223546      Long:  -75.873611
Above/below: Location/pics of old St. Mary's Cemetery.
Above/below: Helena (Maslyck) Geffert's gravestone

Above: View of St. Patrick's ( now St. Andrew's ) Church on Parrish Street
Below: The Geffert family homestead on Center Street.
More to follow. 


  1. I hope that Author of this blog still checks it. I'm a distant relative of Adamczyk family (of Sally Geffert's husband John) from Poland. I have figured out the exact place (even exact house) from which Geffert family came from - where Frank and Andrew were born. If you're intrested in more details, feel free to contact me, I will happily share this discovery with actual Geffert descendants.

    1. I do check it...and thanks for your comment. My email address is I look forward to hearing from you.
