Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz

Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz
Stanley and Katherine (Kras) Rajkowicz and family (circa 1905)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Services for Uncle Chic

Please take a few minutes to send online condolences to Aunt Rita and her family.
The link to the website is here.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Uncle Chic: In Passing...

Received a text last night from my Cousin Bob G*l*nt* that Uncle Chic passed away yesterday (12/24) at the age of 90.
My condolences and prayers go out to Aunt Rita, her sons, and their families at this time.
 Above: Wedding day pic of Aunt Rita and Uncle "Chic" 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Gifted Again...60+ Years Later

For those who visit frequently, and recall two of my prior posts, you will recognize the items in the pic below. One of them will be a surprise Christmas gift to my Mom from all of us  - children and grandchildren - on Christmas Day.
And no...I'm not wrapping up the Victrola.
More pics in a few.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

G.A.R. Baseball circa 1940-1941

From all the comments in the four GAR yearbooks I've found so far, my Uncle Raymond Raykovitz was quite a baseball player.
The two recent finds following Ray's picture below pretty much supports that fact.
The GAR Memorial High School baseball teams of the 1940 & 1941 seasons must have been something special to watch.



Saturday, December 7, 2013

Expanding the Reach

Although I'm pretty sure I addressed this in a prior post, I don't have time to look for it right now. To wit, the 4th quarter is an incredibly busy time of year at work, and I mentioned that my frequency of posting was going to slow down a bit until January.

It has, and that will continue for the next few weeks. At this point I have one more post in mind for ~Christmas week, and another brewing in the background.
I'll address the latter first.

This blog is getting visitors from all over the planet, and the graphic above shows traffic from the top 5 countries. There are many more on the complete list, including Australia, Poland, France, etc. 
As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my Uncle Raymond did a great job writing names, dates and places on the back of most of his pictures. Many of the individual visits ( from foreign countries ) that I've seen on Statcounter came to this blog searching for the name "Raykovitz."
Perhaps, like me, they are searching for information about their ancestors, or researching names they found in photo albums, journals, etc. 
In an attempt to attract visitors from the families of individuals who are named on many of the photos in Ray's album from his time in New Zealand and Australia, one of the next posts I put together will contain a brief welcoming explanation/statement, followed by a simple list of names, dates and places that Ray wrote on the back of the dozens++ of photos in his album.
Going back to the days of CompuServe and Prodigy, I have been on the internet for 20+ years. Going back another decade or so, an integral part of my job was - and still is - to find people who don't want to be found.
Based upon online search triggers & tactics that have worked for me over the years, I'm going to turn the tables a little and put info out on the web that I want people to find.
Should be fun. Stay tuned.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dads Razer & brush ( & whetstone )

Just another of the many finds over the past few weeks.


Based upon the info I've been able to find on the internet, the Pike Mfg. Co. sharpening stone may date back to the mid/late-1800's, while it appears the King Razor Mfg. Co., blade was made between 1911 & 1919.

The question I ask is:

Which "Dad" did this belong to? Was it my (maternal) grandfather's...or my great-grandfather's?

P.S.: The razor & whetstone were in a Loft's Milk Chocolate Kewpie Doll box. Based upon several old newspaper ads I found online, this box was from the early ~1930's.

Still looking for the brush...