Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz

Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz
Stanley and Katherine (Kras) Rajkowicz and family (circa 1905)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pics of Raymond

Most of the comments/questions received via email so far have been centered around Raymond. One of our cousins from the west coast had never seen a pic of him, and others were not aware of the WWII letters I have. So, for the next few posts, I will share some of what I have, and eventually will get it all scanned.

At some point, I will hopefully be able to create "pages" on this blog so the photos can be grouped for easier viewing, but for now, I'll keep it simple and easy for me. I also want to acknowledge that I may include pics that some have already seen, but I'm pretty certain that most of what I post here will be brand new to many.

With Mother's Day around the corner, I'll start here:

On almost every photo, one of the things Ray did was to write down names and sometimes dates.

Ray is "The Kid" in this pic - 2nd row, second from right w/o cap. 

Letters from Ray: Before censorship began and then after.

More in the days ahead.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Raykovitz Chronicles...and so we begin

I established this blog on 4/29/2013 to be a resource for ancestors/relatives of John T. and Mary B. (Geffert) Raykovitz. Some narratives...mostly pics and documents.

It is a labor of respect and love.

First maternal grandparents: John and Mary Raykovitz in June 1947.

My maternal grandfather's WWI discharge dated March 3, 1919.

And from January 1946:
Looking good...Aunt Rita!
Much more to follow.