Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz

Stanley and Katherine Rajkowicz
Stanley and Katherine (Kras) Rajkowicz and family (circa 1905)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Rest of the Cradle...

In the last section of the basement that we are finally cleaning out...we found the following piece, which I immediately recognized as the other half of the cradle I found over a year ago.
This is very old, folks.

More to follow.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another Family Heirloom Found...on Facebook?

The picture below, original frame and all, was delivered to me on Saturday by a friend and former neighbor from Meade Street who was in town for the day.
She acquired it, many years ago, when the family homestead ( my g-grandfather Stanley Rajkowicz's house across the street where she grew up ) was being emptied out. Through Facebook, she found out about this blog, told me about this picture, and asked if I would like it back. After confirming with my mother & Aunt Helen that they remembered the picture from the middle room of Aunt Sophie's home...I replied yes.
Yesterday, we swapped pics. I had found a very old picture of St. Cecelia - which no one seemed to remember - carefully wrapped and stored in the shed, and offered that in exchange for the pic below.
I think everyone was pleased with the outcome of a simple Facebook connection.

Best I can find about this pic on the web?

Sometime after 1900. 

Sorry about the recent slowdown in posts, folks.
Things will pick up once we get past September.
Be well.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Raykovitz Family Mass

A mass will be celebrated on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Special prayers will be offered for all members of the Raykovitz family, living & deceased.
The time: 11:15 a.m.
The place: Our Lady of Hope ( the former St. Mary's on Park Ave. )
Details in the weeks ahead.